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Friday, February 2, 2007
Eggplant/Brinjal 1 big washed and diced 1"
Thuvar dall 1 cup
Corriander seeds 4 t.spoons
Red chillies 6-8
Channa dhall 2 t.spoons
Hing a small pinch
Coconut grated 3 t.spoons
Tamarind paste/extract 1 t.spoon
Turmeric 1/4 t.spoon
Mustard 1/2 t.spoon
Urad dhall 1/2 t.spoon
Curry leaves a few
Cooking oil 4 t.spoons
Salt 1 t.spoon (or to taste)

Cook thuvar dhall in 2.5 cups of water and keep it aside.
Fry corriander seeds, red chillies, channa dhall, and hing in 2
t.spoons of oil and wet gring the above mixture with coconut.
Fry eggplant in 2 t.spoons of oil until the eggplant becomes
soft. Now add turmeric, salt, and 2 cups of tamarind extract to
this and let it cook for a few minutes. Now add the ground masala,
and let it cook for 10 minutes, and then add the cooked thuvar dhall,
and let it cook for another 5-10 minutes.
Heat some oil, splutter mustard, then add hing, urad dhall, and
curry leaves and add this to the rasavangi.


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